Wednesday, May 27, 2009


So nearly all of my post have revolved around weight loss, and this one is no different (for the most part). Today, I would like to talk about squidge. Squidge sounds like a cute fun filled word, however, it has the same connotations as "muffin top" - you know, that delicious part of the muffin...not quite. I'm actually referring to the fat that hangs over your pantaloons (pants for those of you who don't quite know lingo yet lol), which I now lovingly refer to as my squidge.

There are those out there who prefer the muffin top, you're wobbly bits, spare tire, or just plain fat. I personally prefer squidge as you can talk about it, and most people in the room won't have a clue as to what you're discussing.

Though I have lost weight and am proud of myself, I'm still feeling the squidge, literally.

I went to the store the other day as I have been craving a shopping spree, even a mini one. I went into Forever 21 (my new favorite store), grabbed one of everything, and headed off to the dressing rooms.

I have wanted skinny jeans um...forever (21) and I finally fit into a pair - a few pairs actually. I was so excited that I grabbed them all and promptly headed out of the dressing room when I stopped in my tracks. I turned around, walked back into the dressing room, stripped, re-changed and actually looked at myself.

I was so astounded that I fit into the jeans that I didn't even really look at myself. I suffer from pear syndrome: my body resembles a pear. Delicious fruit, ugly shape. In other words I'm very "A" framed and skinny jeans are tricky with a body like mine. I need to tone up a bit more (ok a lot) and try again. I hope skinny jeans are still in when I actually have a chance to look good in them.

New goal - continue doing what I'm doing. Add in more weights. Lose 2 inches per leg, another few on my squidge and attempt a skinny jean shopping spree again.


PS: don't people claim this gets easier in time? Well how much time, because I still struggle every day.

Why can't weight loss be as easy and enjoyable as weight gain?

Friday, May 22, 2009

Let the Weight Loss Begin!!

As mentioned, I have been trying my very hardest to drop some weight before the summer is over. Thus far, I have had both good and bad days as well as healthy and not so healthy days. After about 5 weeks of dieting and working out (occasionally) I finally decided to weigh in this morning.

I rode the elevator to the top floor of my office building where the gym is located to do that walk of shame into the locker room where the scale is. I don't own a scale at home, I feel this is for the best! I was nervous to weigh in as I don't feel any thinner.

To my surprise, I have dropped 7.5 pounds...say WHAT; is the scale broken!?!? I figure that's pretty darn good seeing as how I haven't been working out as much as I had originally planned. If I can finish this month off with another 3 pounds, I'll be at 10 and pretty happy.

If losing 7 pounds isn't motivating, I don't know what is - though I am enjoying a pepsi at the moment (love my cheat days), and will indulge in some ice cream cake this afternoon for a co-workers good bye party. I feel I'm on the right track.

Just wanted to keep you all posted on my progress!

7.5 pounds down - 20ish more to go. It's going to be a difficult summer folks! Wish me luck!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Oh Murphy!

I've been thinking a lot about my life as of late, and it's really just one big scoop of ironic ice cream with a cherry on top. I have heard myself referring to Murphy's law quite a bit lately - anything that can go wrong, will. I started thinking about poor Murphy and who the actual guy is from the popular saying - so naturally, I wikipedia'd it.

The saying "Murphy's Law" isn't all that old actually. It was named after Edward A. Murphy; an engineer on an Air Force project. Long story short, everything that could go wrong with his project, did. The term around the office (when things went wrong of course) was "it's Murphy's Law".

The term was popularized when Dr. John Paul Stapp (who also worked at the Edwards Air Force Base) said it at a conference...blah blah blah we have Murphy's Law - the story of my life.

I won't bore you with the details of my life in Murphy's shoes but I do need to get some of it off my chest. Here goes...

I have been unemployed for 4 months (obvi not by choice), I decide I have all this time off, why not take some classes on Saturdays. I get a summer job that starts at the end of June (when my classes end), but will have to work Saturdays. This means I cannot go up to my cottage a single weekend this summer. I figure, no biggie, I'll go up during the week. A good friend of mine finished school this past week, and I figured since we both have free time, we'll just head out of town during the week. GUESS WHAT...out of no where, I get a job: Monday to Friday. Awesome right...NO That means I can't do ANYTHING as Monday to Friday I work, Saturday I have class, Sunday I'm recovering from something I shouldn't have done Saturday night (I hope) and Monday, I'm right back at work again. Untill the summer when I work 16 hour days, Saturdays included and dream about killing myself (I kid...but seriously).

Granted this is more ironic than a Murphy situation, however, all that could have gone wrong essentially has.

Phew...I'm out of breath. Can't say I feel all that much better, but it was nice to get that off my chest nevertheless.

Also, I'm clearly not a very good worker as I'm blogging in the middle of the day, so I guess I can't complain about work all that much at the moment. I'll complain Monday when I actually have something to do at work.

Until then, keep blogging!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Work Out Journal

I need fast food and I need it NOW! For the past week and a half I have been dieting and exercising as often as I can (or choose to). Although it has only been a week and a half I'm pretty darn proud of myself. I have yet to cheat on my diet (though I day dream about quarter pounders daily) and I have really tried to exercise in some capacity at least once a day.

As mentioned previously I have purchased P90X and I was super pumped to begin the crazy work out routine. When I received the P90X in the mail, I ripped it open and popped the first DVD in my player, got a towel and a bottle of water, pushed play, and began. Holy Moley it's hard! I mean working out is hard, and results don't come easy...but woah!

Here's the thing - I'm not a fan of working out as it is, and when I am unable to do what is asked from a work out tape, it gets really frustrating. That being said however, if it wasn't difficult, it probably wouldn't work. Therefore I admire P90X as at least it's realistic. You will NOT get a crazy fit body in a mere 90 days if it were simple.

After many days/months of bitching, I have decided to suck it up and try my hardest in at least attempting to do the work out. I cannot complete the entire hour plus long work out as of yet, but I am determined to accomplish that in the near future!

Aside from that, I have gone bike riding, jumped rope, and gone on long walks (I have 5, yes 5 new blisters on my feet and toes to prove it). I remember I used to rid emy bike all the time, granted I was 10, but I don't remember it being so difficult. I was panting like a fat kid in no time; same goes with jump rope. I will try my hardest to go a little further and a little longer each time.

I weighed myself a couple days ago, I think I have already lost a few pounds, but I rarely weigh myself so I could be mistaken. I don't feel thinner yet, my body hurts every day, but I'm trucking along and hope I have the will power to stick to it.

One week down 16 weeks to go (yes, I have extended my plan...eek!).

Monday, April 27, 2009

Miss California...pfft!

I have been keeping myself up to date on the Miss California controversy, as it is beyond me how anyone can see any human being as anything less than equal. I have had a few discussions on this topic with my friends, most recently because of the unfortunate point of view Miss California has.

Let it be known that I am from Toronto Canada and although this was not a Miss Canada competition, equality is something that should be promoted worldwide, which is why I have decided to talk about the effects something like this could have on people everywhere.

In case you missed it, you can see Miss California’s response to the question by clicking here - “Vermont recently became the fourth state to legalize same sex marriage, do you think every state should follow suit, why or why not?”

Here’s the deal – I’m all over people having opinions, and I’m all over people having opinions that differ from my own; it often leads to very interesting conversation. The difference between having a discussion with a friend (or foe) and having a discussion on national television vary immensely.

When Miss California stated she does not believe in same sex marriage, it perpetuated this negative meaning of being gay. Gay is not a negative word (in fact it once meant happy for Pete’s sake). There are children calling other children names and one of the more popular names at the moment is gay – i.e. “you’re gay”, “why are you being gay”, “what you’re wearing is gay”. This is ridiculous! You don’t find children running around saying “what you’re doing is straight” – it sounds ridiculous – BECAUSE IT IS! Just like running around using “gay” as in an insult is ridiculous.

Being name called “gay” should not be an insult as there is NOTHING wrong with being gay! When Miss California “stood up for HER beliefs” (not her whole country’s which she apparently believes) it told every child out there that “gay” means bad and if I call someone gay it will be an insult. What results from this – 11-year-old children committing suicide because children are making fun of them and calling them gay. Whether the children are in fact gay or not is irrelevant. NO ONE should commit suicide over a three letter word especially a child who hasn’t lived their life.

As stated, I know Miss California has an opinion and I have a different one, this is not to bring her down (as this is an irrelevant blog that no one will read) but rather to let everyone know that there are varying opinions around the word, not all of them are the same. When on national television however, one must keep in mind that people of all shapes, sizes, races, sex, and sexual orientation are watching and though it may be difficult to make everyone happy, one should try to make as many people happy as possible without alienating a huge population (unless that is the intent – which in this case, it was not).

Hope this made sense!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Why is SINGLE a bad word?

Two posts in one day - I think I'm getting the hang of this whole blog thang and now feel like i must share everything haha.

So the topic of discussion is the negativity surrounding idea, or the reality of being single; detached, spinster, old maid, and eventually crazy old cat lady. I am SINGLE people and none of the above mentioned synonyms apply to me - I don't even have a cat. I started thinking of this as the result of an awkward moment over breakfast this weekend: and this is how it went.

Saturday I went to my brothers and his girlfriends house for her birthday. It was a great party and I thoroughly enjoyed myself. So much so that I stayed the night which was not originally part of the plan. The drinking began at around 3pm and lasted until at least 2am. Needless to say, I was out of comish and in no way able to drive the hour long trip home. This wasn't a problem, as my brother, knowing my partying ways I suppose, reserved a couch for me to sleep on. There were 7 of us who stayed the night, all couples except for me. This is not a problem for me. I have been in relationships before, long ones, short ones, good ones, bad ones, and ones I sometimes cringe over when I remember, however, as stated, I am not currently in a relationship, and completely satisfied with my life and my single-ness.

The following morning, hung over and hungry, the 7 of us ventured of to a local eatery for some good breakfast grease. We were laughing, talking about the previous nights shenanigans while we looked through the menu. Our waitress came to our table and asked if the meals would all be together or if we would prefer if they were separate. We decided upon separate as it would be easier in the long run. Someone at the table, I honestly cannot remember who, spoke up and said, "we'll take our bills as couples" (thinking that would be easier still for the waitress). Of course, I am not a part of a couple, so I clarify and yelled out "single". Not a big deal until the other 6 people simultaneously sighed and "awwwww'd" at me. REALLY!?! Since when did being single mean others had to pity me?

Anyhoo, to make this story a wee bit shorter, I was torn between laughter and tears in the few seconds that followed the "aww" and didn't know why. I was in no way insulted, or at least I didn't think I was, but I didn't feel great about it. So my question is, why is being single bad? Why did I feel like climbing under the table to escape the stares or hiding my head in my hands?

I'm not heartbroken, I'm not bitter, I'm just not "with" anyone. Was it weird and awkward because I was the only one at the table sans boyfriend, or was the pity party legitimate in that most people my age (argh 25) are in relationships and buying houses and popping out babies - except me?

Just something to think about...and next time you're in a room with all couples except for you, I advise staying away from the "S" word as it just makes it awkward for everyone involved. Sad, but I'm beginning to think it's true.

Diets are for Suckers

Tis the season to slim down and I, like many others, am feeling the weight. I have never been a good dieter, but I never used to have to diet. The past few years have been a different story however. So many freshman college students gain the "freshman fifteen", I was the unlucky student to gain a good 30 lbs and have struggled with my weight ever since.

I have a plan, both in exercise and in diet, and plan to begin tomorrow. I have decided to give myself some options this time around as I tend to give up pretty easily. The plan is to track my progress here and maybe that will keep me motivated enough (apparently the bikini season isn't enough motivation haha).

The plan is as follows:
Exercise - P90X, jump rope, hula hoop, and bike riding.
Diet - Low carb, very little sugar and everything else in moderation too. Cheat day will be Friday...and probably Saturday as I suppose alcohol would be considered a cheat.

I don't plan to do all those crazy exercises daily, rather choose one and hope I actually complete it.

I'm hoping to lose 30 lbs or a couple dress sizes.

0 days down, 2 months to go...eek

More to come!

Monday, April 13, 2009

The Delusional Dream(er)

So a good friend of mine has recently begun blogging (again) and she has now given me the itch to start a blog of my own. I feel as though I should tell you all a bit about myself so that we all feel comfortable with each other.

I have recently graduated from Lakehead University, Bachelor of Education. Before that, I attended York University as an English major, before that, I was at Sheridan College in General Arts and Sciences, and before that...I was at Mohawk College for Radio Broadcasting. I am currently not working in any any of the above mentioned fields - yay school. After 7 agonizing years of post secondary school and a few months of being unemployed, I have decided that there are many fields I am interested in working in; hence the Delusional Dream, me being of course, the delusional dreamer.

Being unemployed and all - I have a lot of time to think. Thinking for me usually leads to dreaming. I convince myself that these crazy dreams I have can actually happen in real life. I'm delusional, plain and simple.

I suppose this blog is a place where I hope to discuss the random things, dreams, and delusions that plague me in my daily life. I hope you enjoy my blog and I hope I'm not the only unemployed delusion-ist out there!

Stay Tuned!