Two posts in one day - I think I'm getting the hang of this whole blog thang and now feel like i must share everything haha.
So the topic of discussion is the negativity surrounding idea, or the reality of being single; detached, spinster, old maid, and eventually crazy old cat lady. I am SINGLE people and none of the above mentioned synonyms apply to me - I don't even have a cat. I started thinking of this as the result of an awkward moment over breakfast this weekend: and this is how it went.
Saturday I went to my brothers and his girlfriends house for her birthday. It was a great party and I thoroughly enjoyed myself. So much so that I stayed the night which was not originally part of the plan. The drinking began at around 3pm and lasted until at least 2am. Needless to say, I was out of comish and in no way able to drive the hour long trip home. This wasn't a problem, as my brother, knowing my partying ways I suppose, reserved a couch for me to sleep on. There were 7 of us who stayed the night, all couples except for me. This is not a problem for me. I have been in relationships before, long ones, short ones, good ones, bad ones, and ones I sometimes cringe over when I remember, however, as stated, I am not currently in a relationship, and completely satisfied with my life and my single-ness.
The following morning, hung over and hungry, the 7 of us ventured of to a local eatery for some good breakfast grease. We were laughing, talking about the previous nights shenanigans while we looked through the menu. Our waitress came to our table and asked if the meals would all be together or if we would prefer if they were separate. We decided upon separate as it would be easier in the long run. Someone at the table, I honestly cannot remember who, spoke up and said, "we'll take our bills as couples" (thinking that would be easier still for the waitress). Of course, I am not a part of a couple, so I clarify and yelled out "single". Not a big deal until the other 6 people simultaneously sighed and "awwwww'd" at me. REALLY!?! Since when did being single mean others had to pity me?
Anyhoo, to make this story a wee bit shorter, I was torn between laughter and tears in the few seconds that followed the "aww" and didn't know why. I was in no way insulted, or at least I didn't think I was, but I didn't feel great about it. So my question is, why is being single bad? Why did I feel like climbing under the table to escape the stares or hiding my head in my hands?

Just something to think about...and next time you're in a room with all couples except for you, I advise staying away from the "S" word as it just makes it awkward for everyone involved. Sad, but I'm beginning to think it's true.
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