I've been thinking a lot about my life as of late, and it's really just one big scoop of ironic ice cream with a cherry on top. I have heard myself referring to Murphy's law quite a bit lately - anything that can go wrong, will. I started thinking about poor Murphy and who the actual guy is from the popular saying - so naturally, I wikipedia'd it.
The saying "Murphy's Law" isn't all that old actually. It was named after Edward A. Murphy; an engineer on an Air Force project. Long story short, everything that could go wrong with his project, did. The term around the office (when things went wrong of course) was "it's Murphy's Law".
The term was popularized when Dr. John Paul Stapp (who also worked at the Edwards Air Force Base) said it at a conference...blah blah blah we have Murphy's Law - the story of my life.
I won't bore you with the details of my life in Murphy's shoes but I do need to get some of it off my chest. Here goes...
I have been unemployed for 4 months (obvi not by choice), I decide I have all this time off, why not take some classes on Saturdays. I get a summer job that starts at the end of June (when my classes end), but will have to work Saturdays. This means I cannot go up to my cottage a single weekend this summer. I figure, no biggie, I'll go up during the week. A good friend of mine finished school this past week, and I figured since we both have free time, we'll just head out of town during the week. GUESS WHAT...out of no where, I get a job: Monday to Friday. Awesome right...NO That means I can't do ANYTHING as Monday to Friday I work, Saturday I have class, Sunday I'm recovering from something I shouldn't have done Saturday night (I hope) and Monday, I'm right back at work again. Untill the summer when I work 16 hour days, Saturdays included and dream about killing myself (I kid...but seriously).
Granted this is more ironic than a Murphy situation, however, all that could have gone wrong essentially has.
Phew...I'm out of breath. Can't say I feel all that much better, but it was nice to get that off my chest nevertheless.
Also, I'm clearly not a very good worker as I'm blogging in the middle of the day, so I guess I can't complain about work all that much at the moment. I'll complain Monday when I actually have something to do at work.
Until then, keep blogging!
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