I need fast food and I need it NOW! For the past week and a half I have been dieting and exercising as often as I can (or choose to). Although it has only been a week and a half I'm pretty darn proud of myself. I have yet to cheat on my diet (though I day dream about quarter pounders daily) and I have really tried to exercise in some capacity at least once a day.
As mentioned previously I have purchased P90X and I was super pumped to begin the crazy work out routine. When I received the P90X in the mail, I ripped it open and popped the first DVD in my player, got a towel and a bottle of water, pushed play, and began. Holy Moley it's hard! I mean working out is hard, and results don't come easy...but woah!
Here's the thing - I'm not a fan of working out as it is, and when I am unable to do what is asked from a work out tape, it gets really frustrating. That being said however, if it wasn't difficult, it probably wouldn't work. Therefore I admire P90X as at least it's realistic. You will NOT get a crazy fit body in a mere 90 days if it were simple.
After many days/months of bitching, I have decided to suck it up and try my hardest in at least attempting to do the work out. I cannot complete the entire hour plus long work out as of yet, but I am determined to accomplish that in the near future!
Aside from that, I have gone bike riding, jumped rope, and gone on long walks (I have 5, yes 5 new blisters on my feet and toes to prove it). I remember I used to rid emy bike all the time, granted I was 10, but I don't remember it being so difficult. I was panting like a fat kid in no time; same goes with jump rope. I will try my hardest to go a little further and a little longer each time.
I weighed myself a couple days ago, I think I have already lost a few pounds, but I rarely weigh myself so I could be mistaken. I don't feel thinner yet, my body hurts every day, but I'm trucking along and hope I have the will power to stick to it.
One week down 16 weeks to go (yes, I have extended my plan...eek!).
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