There are those out there who prefer the muffin top, you're wobbly bits, spare tire, or just plain fat. I personally prefer squidge as you can talk about it, and most people in the room won't have a clue as to what you're discussing.
Though I have lost weight and am proud of myself, I'm still feeling the squidge, literally.

I went to the store the other day as I have been craving a shopping spree, even a mini one. I went into Forever 21 (my new favorite store), grabbed one of everything, and headed off to the dressing rooms.
I have wanted skinny jeans um...forever (21) and I finally fit into a pair - a few pairs actually. I was so excited that I grabbed them all and promptly headed out of the dressing room when I stopped in my tracks. I turned around, walked back into the dressing room, stripped, re-changed and actually looked at myself.
I was so astounded that I fit into the jeans that I didn't even really look at myself. I suffer from pear syndrome: my body resembles a pear. Delicious fruit, ugly shape. In other words I'm very "A" framed and skinny jeans are tricky with a body like mine. I need to tone up a bit more (ok a lot) and try again. I hope skinny jeans are still in when I actually have a chance to look good in them.
New goal - continue doing what I'm doing. Add in more weights. Lose 2 inches per leg, another few on my squidge and attempt a skinny jean shopping spree again.
PS: don't people claim this gets easier in time? Well how much time, because I still struggle every day.
Why can't weight loss be as easy and enjoyable as weight gain?